When Bidding on Texas K-12 School Technology RFPs, You Need an Experienced Team on Your Side!

Let Our Combined 50+ Years Experience in Texas Public Schools Give You the Bidding Advantage!

What We Do and Our Why

We are two recently retired Texas public school administrators with a combined 50+ years experience in procurement, warehouse management, IT management and  instructional  technology…all in Texas Public Schools! We coach vendors on the process of submitting bids in compliance with Texas procurement laws.  We know the submittal and evaluation processes of bids/proposals and attempt to ensure competitive submittals flow smoothly through these processes

We Don't Get Paid Unless You Get Paid!*

We identify competitive opportunities for your products/services and assist in the bid/proposal response process.  Our fees are based on a per device/install or percentage basis ONLY if you are awarded the bid!

*After an initial nominal consultation fee.